Mattia Cavadini “Un cielo blu genziana” (A gentian-blue sky)


Mattia Cavadini
Un cielo blu genziana
16,5×12 cm, 64 pp
ISBN 978-88-97308-20-1

Mattia Cavadini
A gentian-blue sky
Short Story

This short story is based on the life of a luminary in Swiss culture: architect Tita Carloni.
Before he died, he would often repeat something – something that left a mark on the author of this book: “There will be nothing but cement below the fog. Only animals and those who successfully adapt will survive”.
Wondering what Carloni meant, Cavadini felt the urge to write this short story. He set it in one of the late architect’s favourite places – Monte Generoso.
An introspective journey, sure, but A gentian-blue sky is more than that: thanks to Tita Carloni’s thoughts the readers become acquainted with the Lugano area and its fauna, learning about the architect’s firm stand against hunting and property speculation.

Mattia Cavadini was born in 1970. He is the author of Inganno turrito (“A deceit of towers”), 1995, which was awarded the Schiller Prize. Cavadini has also written two shorter books: Sullo sfondo (“On the background”), the winner of the Hermann Ganz prize, and L’ultimo giorno (“The last day”).
In regards to literary criticism, he has published a monograph on Giorgio Manganelli, La luce nera (“The black light”, Bompiani, Milan, 1997) and a paper on contemporary poetry, Il poeta ammutolito. Letteratura senza io (“The speechless poet. An ego-less literarature” – Marcos Y Marco, Milan, 2003).

En bref en français

Avec Un cielo blu genziana, Mattia Cavadini publie son premier roman depuis dix ans, sur le ton du roman initiatique. Un livre qui se veut être un hommage à l’architecte Tita Carloni et une mise en garde contre le ciment qui, sur notre territoire, «n’a pas de bornes, comme le brouillard qui s’infiltre et engloutit chaque chose». S’éloignant du fond de la vallée, le narrateur part à la recherche du monde qui est «au-dessus», au-dessus des nuages, au-dessus du brouillard, au-dessus de notre train-train quotidien, pour en arriver, dans le dernier chapitre, à un point de vue pas tout à fait salvateur, mais éclairant. Et pas tendre à l’égard de l’être humain. (mf, traf. vv)


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